Steps To Take If You Are Considering A Divorce

Many people in the Atlanta area find themselves in marriages that are no longer working for a variety of reasons, and they often consider divorce. Yet considering divorce—when you are not quite certain that you want to divorce your spouse—and actually filing for divorce are two different processes entirely. What should you do if you are considering the possibility of divorce but are not yet sure that divorce is the right thing for you? The following are some important steps to take if you are thinking about divorce in Georgia.
- Learn About Divorce Law in Georgia
Before filing for divorce, you should learn about divorce law in Georgia, including, but not limited to, residency requirements, spousal support, child support, and legal and physical child custody. A divorce attorney in Georgia can provide you with additional information on each of these areas.
- Evaluate Yourself and Your Marriage with Help from a Therapist
It can be difficult to evaluate yourself and marriage on your own, including what changes you need to make, whether there are options to save the relationship and whether the relationship is worth saving. A therapist can help you by providing a neutral and objective perspective. According to an article in Counseling Today, working with a therapist when you are considering divorce, or after you have begun the process of separation, can be extremely helpful. A therapist can help not only with evaluating the marriage, but you can also have someone to help you to process your own emotions, to set boundaries with your spouse, and to develop healthy and effective communication methods.
- Assess Your Financial Situation
You should assess your financial situation before you move forward with a divorce filing. Become familiar with the family assets and liabilities, as well as how to access that information. Educate yourself on how much money the family spends each month on essential items as well as non-essential items. Consider your own income (if any) and how that contributes to the household – will that need to increase substantially for you to live on your own? While finances alone should never make you feel that you should remain in an unhealthy or unsafe marriage, it is important to think about how finances will be impacted by a separation and what steps you may be able to take in the short term to prepare financially for a divorce.
- Consider Your Children’s Needs
You should consider your children’s needs, but this does not necessarily mean staying with your spouse for the sake of your children. As an article in Parents magazine underscores, sometimes a separation or divorce is actually what is best for your children. Children who grow up with parents in an unhealthy relationship may benefit from the marriage ending. A therapist can help you to think through what is in your children’s best interests as you are considering the possibility of divorce.
- Prioritize Your Health, Well-Being, and Safety
Whenever you are thinking about divorce, you should prioritize your own health, well-being, and safety. It is critical to take time for yourself – doing what makes you happy so that you have the energy to sustain yourself during the divorce process. If there is a history of domestic violence or abuse, you should focus on keeping yourself safe. A lawyer in Atlanta can help you, and can provide you with information about moving forward with a divorce filing.
Contact an Atlanta Divorce Lawyer Today
If you have questions about the divorce process or need advice, an experienced Atlanta divorce attorney at Kaye, Lembeck, Hitt & French can speak with you about your circumstances.