How To Prepare For Family Law Mediation

When you are going through a divorce or a child custody case in the Atlanta area, mediation can be extremely beneficial. Mediation is a process where you will be in one room (physical or virtual via Zoom) with your attorney, and the other party will be in a separate room with his or her attorney. A neutral mediator will then go back and forth between you and the other party and work to find a resolution somewhere in the middle of what both sides wanted initially. Mediation gives you and the other party a chance to reach an agreement that works for both of you, rather than having a judge or jury who you have never met decide what is best for your family. Mediation gives you a chance to resolve the case before it gets too contentious. . In order to get the most out of mediation, it is important to be prepared. Our Atlanta family law attorneys have recommendations for preparing for mediation in Georgia.
Discuss the Family Mediation Process with Your Lawyer
First, it is essential to understand how the mediation process works in Atlanta for family law matters. The Georgia Uniform Mediation Act (GUMA) took effect in July 2021, and governs all mediations in the state. We can provide you with detailed information about the mediation process, can explain how a mediator will facilitate communication as a neutral third party, and how agreements can be reached.
Identify the Key Issues and Your Objectives
Before you enter mediation, it is important to work with your attorney at Kaye, Lembeck, Hitt & French Family Law to identify the key issues you see as being in dispute and to identify your objectives or goals. Knowing what you want to get out of the mediation and knowing where you are willing to compromise can help you to achieve a successful outcome. At Kaye, Lembeck, Hitt & French Family Law, we will meet with you in advance of mediation so that you can understand the process and come up with a strategy for a successful mediation.
Consider Issues That Are Non-Negotiable for You
As you work with your lawyer to identify key issues and to frame your mediation goals, you should consider whether there are some issues or points that are non-negotiable for you. While the idea of mediation is to promote communication and, in many cases, compromise between the parties in order to reach an agreement, you should know for yourself if there are certain matters on which you are not willing to compromise. .
Be Willing to Engage in Dialogue and to Compromise
You should be prepared to enter into mediation with an open mind, a willingness to engage in negotiations, and the willingness to consider compromises. Your disputes will not be resolved through mediation if you are not prepared to negotiate and to settle on acceptable terms.
Have a Plan for Moving Forward with Your Case if Mediation Fails
Sometimes, not matter how hard you work to reach a compromise, mediation fails. You don’t have to reach an agreement in mediation, and you can always walk away if you feel the negotiations have gone beyond your comfort level. Mediation is not the end of the road. There are many more ways to resolve your case both in and out of court.
Learn More from a Family Law Attorney in Atlanta
If you have questions about family mediation and whether it is right for you, or if you need assistance with family mediation, one of our dedicated Atlanta mediation lawyers can speak with you today. Mediation can benefit many people who are facing family law disputes, and our firm can help. Contact Kaye, Lembeck, Hitt & French Family Law for more information about the family law services our firm provides.