Does Child Support Cover Dance Lessons in Georgia?

Although many students are attracted to sports when choosing extracurricular activities, performing arts represent another popular choice. One of the most common examples is dance. Students may engage in dance lessons, including ballet, tap, hip hop, and modern dance. If you are considering a divorce in Georgia, you might wonder whether child support will cover dance lessons for your child.
Child Support Typically Covers Only the Basic Necessities
Child Support is a payment from one parent to the other for the benefit of the child or children. Georgia calculates child support by the income shares model – meaning it considers the income of each parent. The amount and which parent provides health insurance is also factored into the child support amount. Child care may also be factored in to the child support amount. Child support is designed to help pay for the needs of the child like food, shelter and clothing.
It is important for both the recipient of child support and the payor of child support to know that there is no entity or person policing how those funds are spent. Thus, if you are the recipient of child support, you may spend this money in whatever way you think serves your child’s best interests., which might include dance lessons or other expenditures related to the performing arts. If you are the paying parent, you do not have the right or ability to question how the funds are spent unless there is an egregious abuse of the funds (example – the funds are used to so something illegal).
The Calculations May Be Different for High Income Parents
High income parents may be required to pay for additional expenses of a child as compared to lower-earning parents. This means that when child support obligations are calculated the cost of extra-curricular activities, educational costs, private school, etc. may be included in the monthly child support calculation. The logic is that if a child has become accustomed to a certain standard of living, this lifestyle should continue, if possible.
Parents May Create an Agreement that Includes Dance Lessons
Parents are encouraged to create their own child support agreements outside of court. If you and your child’s other parent agree that dance lessons (or any other expense for your child) should be paid for by the parents, you can include the cost of these lessons in your child support calculations. There is nothing preventing parents from creating their own agreements when it comes to child support, child custody, and almost every other aspect family law.
Where Can I Find a Qualified, Experienced Child Support Attorney in Georgia?
If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced Atlanta child support attorney, look no further than Kaye, Lembeck, Hitt & French. Over the years, we have helped parents with various legal issues – including child support. We know that many parents may be budgeting their expenses and a consultation may help you move forward with greater confidence.